Thursday, February 10, 2005

The Songs

Every episode of That's When I Reach for My Revolver takes its title from a song. In addition, each episode is filled with numerous references to songs, but popular and obscure. Sometimes, they're actually played on-stage, or performed by the characters. This page provides, essentially, the Revolver soundtrack: if you come across a song you don't know -- or you'd just like to listen along -- this page can help.

1. "The Humour of the Situation"

2. "The Best of What's Around"

4. "Signal to Noise"

5. "There There"

6. "Sitting, Waiting, Wishing"

7. "The Long and Winding Road"

8. "What Do You Want from Me?"

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9. "Halloween"

10. "Tougher Than It Is"
(There is no available track for the title song.)

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11. "Brand New Day"

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