What the hell is this thing?
Well, as it explains a few inches above this, it's a series of short plays by J. Walker...who is me, if you were uncertain.
More specifically, it's a series of short plays about five young adults sharing the same house. Think of it like a TV show...except the screen and actors exist only in your head.
So...it's a sitcom?
Good god, no. There are comedic elements, yes, but it's not a bootleg version of Friends.
Is it one of those things where you tell funny stories about you and your friends and pass it off as "fiction"?
No, but thank you for your low opinion of my creative abilities. All right, certain elements of certain characters are based on real persons I know. But on the whole, the residents of Revolver exist only in my own head. Only one of the characters in this piece is explicitly based on a real person, and everyone who knows that person knows exactly which one it is. (It's not subtle.)
How often are new episodes posted?
The original idea was for one each week. (::laughter from the studio audience::) But when the first episode took two weeks to write, I realized that plan wasn't feasible. So I decided on publishing an episode every two weeks. I have yet to make that deadline once. Unfortunately, there is no set schedule for updates. They happen when they happen. I could say something else, but it would be a lie. I've written eleven episodes in a little over three years; this averages out to about one episode every three and a half months.
You update so infrequently that I can't remember which character is which. Can you help me out?
That's why we have the Characters page.
What's up with the episode titles?
The title of each episode is the title of the song that is quoted at the beginning of said episode. So the Barenaked Ladies song quoted at the top of "The Humour of the Situation" is called "The Humour of the Situation." See?
Just like in Grey's Anatomy?
No. Well, yeah, actually. Exactly like that. But -- and my date stamp will back me up on this -- I did it first, okay? "The Humour of the Situation" was posted at least two weeks before the first episode of Grey's Anatomy aired. So there. I'm considering legal action against ABC for stealing my completely obvious idea.
And "That's When I Reach for My Revolver"? That's a song title, too?
Indeed it is, the significance of which will become apparent in a later episode.
But I never heard any of these damn songs. What the hell?
All right. That's why we have the songs page. Your prayers answered.
Why is Patrick's band called Soda Lake?
It's the name of the most evilest level in Super Mario World. This group likes their video games, as you may have noticed.
Why is Patrick's CD called The First Joke and Other Matters?
Well, if you had paid attention in "There There," you would have noticed that Patrick told you: it's from a book. Specifically, The Magician's Nephew, one of the books in The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis.
Does the site support an XML or RSS feed?
Sure does.
I love your writing, but I feel restless and lost during the long spaces between episodes. Where I can read more of your stuff?
I have a blog that wants for attention. You may read that. I'm also part of a yearlong writing project, and have a blog about my horrible job. Go crazy.
I really liked/hated/didn't understand [blank].
Let me know about it. I like getting e-mail that isn't porn spam or offers to refinance my mortgage. Or, if that's too much work, you can simply leave comments on the page of whichever episode pleased/angered/confused/depressed/aroused you. See the stuff right below this? Click on that. Leave yourself a comment. I like comments.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Posted by
J. Walker
8:18 PM
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